Imagine. Move. Live.
Two young companies join forces to strike a blow for using creativity to unite people.
The message is brought to life in a film where two young drummers are having a dreamlike drum battle.
After a year of massive division between black and white, left and right and separation between people all over the world caused by the pandemic we now need to use our imagination and creativity more than ever to be able to move forward and unite people again.
This is the message in a new campaign film from Elliott Footwear - created by the Copenhagen based creative production company Fern.
In the film you see a young man and a young woman in an air-drum-battle. It’s an intense battle that goes on from early dawn to darkness. During the battle, the drum-tempo continues to increase as the young drummers do a stare-down. But suddenly the outline of two drum kits start to appear. For the first time during the battling, the two combatants smile at each other as they keep drumming and creating. At the end of the film, the pay-off appears:
Imagine together, move together
The film reflects how we’re able to use our imagination, creativity and willpower to heal the wounds after a year of division.
The two young companies behind the campaign both use their imagination and creativity to shape a better future. Elliott Footwear is the first sneaker company in the world to create a climate positive sneaker. Likewise, Fern is one of the very first creative production companies in the world to produce films and stills climate neutral.
Co-founder, creative director at Fern and director of the film, Jeppe Kolstrup, states:
“2020 has been a year of separation and division. The only way to move on and get the world and the human species to a better place is to use our imagination and creativity. We, the humans, are the only creatures in this world (as far as we know) who are able to imagine a better future. So let’s use our unique imagination and start to create a better future for everybody on this planet!”
About the collaboration, the founder of Elliott Footwear states:
“At Elliott footwear, we have created two projects with Fern. On both projects, it was a huge pleasure to discover how the creative nature of the project has gone hand in hand with an uncompromising climate and environmental awareness. The whole foundation of Elliott Footwear is sustainability - Therefore it is perfect, as well as convenient, to work with a talented creative agency that is 100% aligned with our values."
- Sam Carew, founder, Elliott Footwear